Monday, 15 October 2012

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Judith Supine

..Paper Monster..

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Skate Park House

.. Level Architects - Tokyo , Shibuya, Sendabaya, Japan..

Introducing the Skate Park House, when it comes to architecture I don't know much about it but when I saw this house I immediately fell in love with it, I mean it has a bowl and a piano concert room overlooking each other but not just that I love the way it has the industrial feel matched with pretty almost country house doors and cupboards 

bare brick work and plain cement colored walls but it works, this house obviously hasn't been fully moved into yet so maybe the walls will get painted.


Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Adam Wallacavage

.."Ski Lodge - Under Water - Vampire - Theme"..

Browsing the magic of the internet this morning I landed on Adam Wallacavage and this is why I waste so much time on the computer when I could be doing something productive, there's so many things to find out and get inspired about. 

Hes made these incredible Chandeliers, octopus legs weaving and winding in between each other making really interesting shapes.

I don't even want to gander at how much one of these would cost, the idea makes so much sense though when you think about chandelier shapes and the main silhouette of an octopus.

"If I think to much, it doesn't  work"
I love this quote I think Herman Hesse used to say this aswell.

He also collaborates with other artists in a company called 'Curio' making amazing wall paper design
which is worth a look at

Monday, 6 August 2012

Alfred Kubin

..Weird and  Wonderful..

Recently visited Nottingham Contemporary Art Gallery which is holding an exhibition of Franais Richard and Alfred Kubin. 
Its been a while since I've been so excited about an artist, his dark surreal pieces are an eye into your nightmares.


Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Cleo Ferin Mercury

                                                                                  ..Scarf Me..                                                                

Working in the big London for the week , I got told to check out this designer 'Cleo Ferin Mercury' after drooling over a brigitte bardot scarf for about an hour and yes they are so good.

She's also meant to hold an amazing club night called 'Coney Island'  3rd Saturday of every month

Tuesday, 28 February 2012